The Books
Explore the world of Thaea by immersing yourself in the Dawn Saga.
A Prophecy of Dawn (Book 1)
When a series of coincidences line up to create chaos, and disaster appears imminent, the people of Thaea know those events are not the making of the Great Maze of Life.
Greed paves the way for chaos, but human greed transcends time. Therefore a cycle of chaos and order exists.
That is when heroes and villains are made. For when the villains create chaos, heroes always rise to restore order: and that is the truth of the great maze we call life.
Thaea- a world where the intrigue is as thick as the magic that saturates the soil.
Take the Lyvenian Empire, where the Emperor was unable to sire a legitimate heir to secure his throne.
And so, on the one hand, the Emperor's brother considers the Imperial throne all but his. On the other hand, however, is the Emperor's natural son. Whom the people revere and consider their true 'Prince'.
Then we sail off to Abnayse. Where a mysterious woman continues to revive the ongoing speculations about the 'Lost Princess'.
So… what could possibly be the link between the emperor’s natural son and a woman of much renown whose identity is shrouded in mystery?

A Whisper of Dawn (Book 2)
Abnayse has fallen into chaos.
The people do not actively resist the new Queen Sanna. But neither do they recognise her bloody seizure of power as a legitimate succession. And so chaos reigns as Queen Sanna continues to execute all those whom oppose her. For these reasons, the people cry for the ‘Lost Princess’ as they continue to denounce Queen Sanna’s atrocities.
In Lyvenia, the Emperor’s brother- Prince Zeirick- resumes his efforts to defame Trevelyn- the Emperor’s natural son. Meanwhile, Trevelyn is forced away from the palace to train at the Lorem Institute. He is placed under the watchful tutelage of Ace Kellan to learn control of his magic.
So… what could possibly go wrong within the Lyvenian Empire while Trevelyn is held at the Institute, and Zeirick has free-reign within the Empire?
And what would be the outcome of the frenzied hunt for the Lost Princess? A hunt that unearths a dark past and a far-reaching plot for power.

An Abeyance of Dawn (Book 3)

A Tempest at Dawn (Book 4)

A Promise of Dawn (Book 5)